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Virtual Hosting : 4 times more RAM memory to run Script

The Good News. This is something we've really been looking forward to, there's so much potential here. The best thing that ISPserver announced today is that we took up an amount of RAM equal to the largest and most complicated script on your system. That will help you to tune your web server for maximum performance.

Please remember that ISPserver revised his web hosting plans with increased Bandwidth and Disk space. Now you get more Bandwidth and more disk space at same price.

For more info about the plans, please click here.


Our web hosting just got even better!

We're pleased to announce that we have renewed four main tariff packages!

Our latest thinking is, we must offer tariff packages where customer interests are consulted and represented, a priori from the outset. By doing so we wish to help our customers and guarantee them more long-term success of their projects down the road.

New tariff packages:


Our dedicated servers farm in Brussels (Belgium) is growing day by day

We are happy to announce new Dedicated Servers Hosting Plans for a low monthly fee!

All our Dedicated Server accounts include:

  • 24/7/365 hardware monitoring, repair and replacement
  • 24/7/365 network and service monitoring
  • TWO static IP addresses
  • Reboot after a system trap or internal processing error
  • And of course, our 99.9% uptime guarantee

LIMITED Special Promotion : We Offer FREE Setup for DS A and DS B!


New Service : VDS Reselling

We are pleased to announce our new service - "VDS Reselling".

What is Reselling? VDS reseller purchases the host's services wholesale and then sells them to his/her customers for a profit.

In fact, we've been rendering this service for a long time. But it had a personal agreed base. Now we would like to offer special packages on "VDS Reselling". We do believe that these packages are an enhanced ability to meet our customer needs today and in the future.

For more information about the service and VDS Reselling packages, please visit the page "VDS Reselling".


Hold the Key to Your Money

We work hard to make the life of our customers comfortable and reliable. As soon as you start working with our new product ISPbalance, you will have more control over your account on our site. We make your life easier!

ISPbalance is a small system tray application to help control your account state. On a periodic predetermined base, ISPbalance will check your account state in our billing system and monitor your folders to check for unread messages from our support service.

The ISPbalance advanced development project provides:


The New Look of VDS packages

ISPserver hardware - the one we use for rending hosting services on Virtual Dedicated Servers - has been renewed! Lot's of work has been done on this in the past few months. We have worked hard so that we have better prices and conditions.

Resources limits for VDS Packages have been increased by several times, with increased bandwidth and disk space.

  • disk quota increased 5 times
  • traffic limit increased 2-3 times
  • RAM quota also increased

Extremely low prices for VDS in Bruxelles Now they are as low as prices for VDS in New York.


Domain auto renewal function

This is to inform you that we have added new option - now you can renew your domain name automatically. In the "List of services" of your privat zone you can activate your domain name "auto renewal" function. Once you have enabled auto renewal, your domains will be renewed automatically for 1 year and you will not have to sand any requests.

Every domain is set to auto renew by default. If you do not want to renew any of your domains, you will need to disable its "auto renewal" feature.


Site new design

We have launched our site new design. Hope you will like it.

Our short-range plans are to add even more changes in order to improve our site functionality.

Then you see anything wrong in the site, please contact us. Misprints are unintentional and subject to change. If you suspect something is not correct on the site, be it price or description, please let us know.


We offer new service - a disk space for you backup archives

Many of our customers especially using tariff plans such as VDS-A and EVDS-A frequently have question: "Where to store backup archives?". For the decision of this problem we offer new additional service "disk space for backup archives".

Within the framework of this service the FTP-account on a special server in the same network as VDS the is given to the you. The cost of the disk space for backups is much less, than the additional disk space to VDS (1 EUR for 1 Gb) of disk.


Order additional IP-address to your VDS

ISPserver engineers developed the opportunity to allocate additional IP-addresses to Virtual Dedicated Server. Having additional IP-addresses allow server administrator to enable SSL support for different sites on standard 443 port. This new world wide feature simplifies considerably the access to sites via SSL secure protocol.

Additional IP-addresses is compatible only with our new ISPmanager-4 control panel. So if you need additional IP-address, you will first request to be transferred from ISPmanager-2 to ISPmanager-4.


ISPmanager 4 Light control panel

From now on, all ISPserver servers will be equipped with ISPmanager 4 Light control panel.
ISPmanager 4 Light control panel has a wide set of necessary for management of a server functions and opportunities:


New Anti-spam feature

All our servers have now the benefit of a new anti-spam filter. This filter can be enable individualy on each mailbox and can filter from 80% to 90% of spam.
More info in our FAQ :


Trafic quota increased for Florida EVDS

Due to the purchase of new network capacities, ISPserver is happy to announce that all EVDS located in Florida have seen monthly traffic doubled.

For example, EVDS A in Florida have now 60 Gb of traffic included for 20 EUR / month.

Lear more at


The PHP has been updated to version 4.3.4

The PHP has been updated to version 4.3.4. The complete changes list you can find on official PHP site.

The new PHP distribution includes ZIP file access extension. Use ISPmanager to enable this extension for your site.


The web-server update to Apache 1.3.29

The web-server has been updated to Apache 1.3.29. The complete changes list you can find on official Apache site.


Sendmail vulnerability has been fixed

The buffer overflow vulnerability in sendmail has been fixed. We have patched sendmail version 8.12.9. Problems with the use of version 8.12.10 are with mechanism POP-before-SMTP. We request to pay attention to the appropriate post in the forum "Sendmail and POP-before-SMTP"


PHP has been upgraded to 4.3.3 version

PHP has been upgraded to 4.3.3 version.


New PHP features

We recompiled and updated PHP on all servers. Now PHP have following new features:

  • Correct "400 Not Found" error processing.
  • Full "HTTP authentication" support in PHP-scripts (more info).
  • Sockets PHP extension support (more info).

Datacenter is open in Germany

World expansion of ISPserver is continuing. In August, 2003 another datacenter and office were opened in the heart of Germany. Its now located in Frankfurt. Works on complete localization of control panel ISPmanager and company's site to German are carried out. Now ISPserver has 7 datacenters in 5 different countries. At datacenter in Frankfurt customers will be offered popular tariff plans EVDS beginning from 30 Euros, including root access, control panel, 1 GB disk space, 15 Gb of traffic and professional round-the-clock support.


ISPserver is now Local Internet Registrar (LIR)

From now on we presented by autonomic system AS29182 and now owns privat IP space 82.146.32/19 _ 32 nets class C.
Until the end of the current year, we are planning to transfer all our customers to our IP space. Our clients will receive the following advantages: