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Add-ons for Dedicated servers

Additional options Price
Operating system
FreeBSD free
Debian free
CentOS free
Microsoft Software
Windows Server 2019 / 2022 * 9.4 € per month
Control panels
ISPmanager 6 Lite 3,5 € per month
ISPmanager 6 Pro 7 € per month
ISPmanager 6 Host 10,5 € per month
ISPmanager 6 Business 14 € per month
Additional IPs
1 additional IP 3 € per month | 30 € setup, max 4
IPv6/64 (VPU service will also be set up
at no additional cost)
(one subnet for server)
Disk for backups
Backups storage, 100Gb free
Backups storage, over 100Gb O / R
Hardware upgrades
IP KVM first 2 hours free, 10 € each additional hour



* OS Windows  The Standard version is installed by default. The Web version is installed on all VPS servers by default. Should you need a different version of Windows or other software product from Microsoft, please contact our Sales team.




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