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Hold the Key to Your Money

We work hard to make the life of our customers comfortable and reliable. As soon as you start working with our new product ISPbalance, you will have more control over your account on our site. We make your life easier!

ISPbalance is a small system tray application to help control your account state. On a periodic predetermined base, ISPbalance will check your account state in our billing system and monitor your folders to check for unread messages from our support service.

The ISPbalance advanced development project provides:

  • the info about your account state
  • the info about unread messages
  • one-click access to the billing system

It's very simple to set up the application if you follow these steps below carefully. First, download the ISPbalance. Then click the icon and login using your username and password. Type "" into the box “server”.

Download ISPbalance