- Web hosting
- Services
- SSL Certificatessecure data between website and customer
- Cyber Backupdata loss protection, fast recovery.
- Domain Namesregister a domain name in a variety of zones
- DDoS Protectionsafety from malicious attacks
- Server Carepro-active website monitoring
- Backupregular backups is the best protection from data loss
- Help

Prohibition of cryptocurrency mining on ISPserver servers
We notice the frequent cases of the Chia Coin cryptocurrency of mining on virtual and dedicated servers. In this regard, ISPserver reminds you that it is forbidden to use our resources for mining.
Any mining processes load the server resources significantly. Mining Chia Coin loads hard drives and SSDs. It leads to much faster degradation and failure of the equipment.
The situation is further aggravated by the fact that servers with a large number of SSD/HDD disks are most often used for mining cryptocurrencies, which creates problems with the availability of these disks. The problem has a global character and affects our suppliers as well. To avoid the situation when a part of our configurations become unavailable for our clients due to the shortage of storage systems, we are forced to control how the resources of our servers are used.
In this regard, the mining of any cryptocurrencies on ISPserver servers is strictly prohibited. The prohibition on mining is reflected in the Service conditions, you can find the detailed explanation in item 19:
19. The Client is prohibited from using the Provider's services to host systems or elements of systems for servicing, calculating, and operating digital currencies (such operations like mining, mining of cryptocurrencies, distributed platforms, creating new blocks with the opportunity to receive remuneration in the form of new units and commission fees, etc.).